Compton Heights Concert Band
of St. Louis

Amati ART383i For Sale

The Amati ART383i is an excellent choice for a ceremonial or madrigal trumpet or where a herald-type presence is needed. The Compton Heights Concert Band used the Herald Trumpets at annual Holiday Pops concerts at Powell Hall.

Add Flare and Excitement to any Concert!
Amati Herald Trumpet Herald Trpts

Amati ART383i Herald Trumpets _ Used
Item sold "as is, where is"; no refund.
$300.00 Plus shipping/handling.
Contact Nottelmann Music Company if you'd like to purchase. If you have questions for the Compton Heights Band, then email or call (314) 776-2227.

The Band is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization.
Please call (314) 776-2227 or email if you'd like more information.


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Compton Heights Concert Band
Compton Heights Band, Inc.
PO Box 510121
St. Louis, MO 63151
Call 314-776-2227